Sunday, 24 October 2010

Pages Directives

These directives like:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="TopTenEgypt._Default" %>
General syntax:
<%@ [Directive] [Attribute=value[Attribute=value] %>
Directives are:
  1. Assembly: To link an assembly to a page or user control.
  2. Control: User controls, ASCX files.
  3. Implements: Implement a .NET Framework interface
  4. Import: Imports a namespace into a page or a user control.
  5. Master: a Master page
  6. MasterType: Associate a class name to a page to get a strongly typed references or members of the specified master page.
  7. OutputCache: To control the output cache of the page or user control.
  8. Page: used with ASPX files to specify the page attributes. 
  9. PreviousPageType: enable the page to work with post back from another page in the application.
  10. Reference: To link another page or user control to the current page or user control.
  11. Register: To associate aliases with namespaces and class names for notation in customer server control syntax.
Directives attributes:
  1. AspCompat: To permit the page to be executed on a single-threaded apartment thread [Default=False] 
  2. Async: To specify the page to be processed synchronously or asynchronously 
  3. AsyncTimeout: the amount of time to wait the async task to complete [default=45 Sec]
  4. Buffer: To enable HTTP response buffering [default=True]
  5. ClassName: the class that is bound to the page when the page is compiled.
  6. ClientIDMode: Specify how the page generate the ClientID values for its server controls
  7. ClientTarget: Specify the taget user agent the control should render content for, Should be tied to an alias in Web.config file in <ClientTarget> Section.
  8. CodeFile: The Code-behind file
  9. CompilationMode: ASP.NET should compile the page or not [Auto,never, Always]
  10. CompilerOptions: Compilation Options of the page.
  11. CompileWith: the code-behind file used (?)
  12. ContentType:the content type of the HTTP response as MIME Type.
  13. Culture: the culture attribute of the page, can be Auto.
  14. Debug: If True, compile the page with debug symbols in place.
  15. EnableEventValidation: If true, validate the events in post-back and callback.
  16. EnableSessionState: To Enable/disable the session state for the page.
  17. EnableTheming: If True, the page is enabled to use themes.
  18. EnableViewstate: If True, View state is maintained across the page. 
  19. EnableViewstateMac: If true, page runs a machine-authenticated check on the page view state when the page is posted back.
  20. ErrorPage: an URL to post in case of all unhandeled page exceptions.
  21. Langauge
  22. LCID: Defined the Locale Identifier for web form's page.
  23. LinePragmas: weather line pragmas are used with the resulting assembly.
  24. MasterPageFile: Used with content pages to points to the master page file (.master).
  25. MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback
  26. MetaDescription (ASP.NET 4.0): Page description for SEO purposes.
  27. Metakeywords (ASP.NET 4.0)
  28. ResponseEncoding
  29. SmartNavigation: like MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback
  30. Src: Points to the source file of the class used for the code behind of the page being rendered.
  31. Strict: (VB)If true,Compile page in Strict Mode
  32. Theme: Applying the specified theme on the page.
  33. StyleSheetTheme: like Theme, but StyleSheetTheme wont override preexisting style setting in the controls.
  34. Title
  35. Trace: If true, enable Trace messages on the page.
  36. TraceMode: like SortByTime, SortByCategory
  37. Transaction: Specify weather transacctions are supported on the page. [Default=False].
  38. UICulture: which UI Culture to use on the page, use Auto to automatic detection of UI culture.
  39. ValidateRequest: If True, the page inputs are checked against a list of potential dangerous values to protecet your application from attacks like JavaScript attacks. 
  40. ViewStateEncriptionMode: Specify how the view-state are encrypted [Default=Auto] 
  41. WarningLevel: Specify the compiler warning level at which stop compilation of the page.

Used to specify the page from which any cross-page posting originates. 
  1. TypeName: the name of the class from which the post-back will occur.
  2. VirtualPath: the locati
Controls the output cahcing polices of ASp.NET page or use control.
  1. CacheProfile: To central the way of managing an application cache profile, use the CacheProfile detailed in web.config file.
  2. Duration: the caching time in seconds
  3. Location: works with ASPX files only, values [None, DownStream, Client, Server, ServerAndClient].
  4. NoStore: To send No-Store header with the page.
  5. Shared: Specify weather a user control output can be shared across a multiple pages
  6. SqlDependecy: To enable the page to use SqlDependency.
  7. VaryByControl: Semicolon-separated list of strings used to vary the output cache of a  user control.
  8. CaryByCustom: String specifing the custom output cacheing requirement.
  9. VaryByParm: Semicolon-seperated list of strings used to vary the output cache.
  10. VaryByHeaderSemicolon-seperated list of HTTP headers used to vary the output cache

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